Gift Ideas For The 24th Wedding Anniversary

Show your heartfelt sentiments for your partner or loved ones as the 24th wedding anniversary is approached, by mixing and matching different themes and giving a present they will truly appreciate.

Traditional Theme for 24th Anniversary Gifts: Opal (US)

Opal themeThe traditional theme for the 24th anniversary is opal, thought to inspire love, purity and hope for the future.

Modern Theme for 24th Anniversary Gifts: Musical Instruments

Musical instruments comprise the modern gift theme for this anniversary, with all the passion and emotion that music signifies.

Colour: Lavender

Gemstone: Tanzanite

Flower: Nil

Traditional 24th Anniversary Gift Ideas

• Jewellery containing an opal(s) (eg, necklace, ring, bracelet, earrings)

Modern 24th Anniversary Gift Ideas

• Antique sheet music

• Musical instrument

• Poster or print of well-known musicians

• Tanzanite jewellery (eg, necklace, ring, bracelet, earrings)

• Music-affiliated technology including speakers or music devices

• Popular music from when the couple dated

• Tickets to a musical production, symphony orchestra or symphony